Thursday, July 11, 2013

First stop in Changsha

Looks like an exciting day for Tian!

"On the way to the hotel, from the airport, we stopped at the Hunan adoption center.  This was built years ago, but after I adopted Tian, so it was my first visit. We expected to stop by and look around but instead, we were welcomed by the director and staff." -Robbin 

"It was a wonderful visit. Tian, aka Yi Tian, is looking forward to tomorrow, as well, when we hit the road to YiYang, his birthplace." -Robbin

"We attended a reception with another Hunan family.  The staff told us about the center and all of the work they do." -Robbin

"The ladies presented Tian with some gifts; a map of Hunan, a pen, calendar and other things.  They were kind enough to include a gift for Zee and Ying Ying, too. While looking through the calendar, we noticed a photo of our friends the was such a surprise. The ladies gave us an extra calendar for them, when we told them." -Robbin

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