Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Great Wall

They took a trip to the Great Wall, which is about two hours outside of Beijing.  I got a couple updates from Karen - posted below.  The photos look a little odd on the page because I made them a little bigger so you could see more detail.  Karen said they ran into a guy from Jamaica with a Boston-Strong t-shirt in honor of his friends in Boston.  Pretty cool.

"It was smoggy first 2 days in Beijing. As we walked around the neighbor near our hotel, the girls said China had different smells. 1. Smoke. 2. Gas, exhaust. 3 food. 4. Trash.   Busy, crowded city experience. On day 3 skies cleared and we visited the countryside.  Gorgeous blue skies which was perfect for touring the Great Wall.  Amazing trip and could see for miles . Great day" -Karen

"7/3. We toured a traditional neighborhood today and took rickshaw rides around a lake. We had lunch at a family home, very traditional meal"  -Karen

On Great Wall - Tian, Ying, Zee, and Jackie (look in the background and you'll see the chairlifts; so high)

Chairlift up

Toboggan down


Beautiful view 
Beautiful - Great Wall - Ying and Jack
Great Wall

Karen & Jack ready to hike along the Great Wall

1 comment:

  1. The Great Wall! How fun. Did you do the toboggan ride. Looks scary! I remember it being so hot and sweaty. You guys look cool as cucumbers.
