Saturday, July 6, 2013

Terra Cotta Warriors...

I received a pretty big batch of photos, and it appears they had a very busy couple of days!  Photos and explanations from Karen below.

Terra Cotta Warriors (all life size)
"1st building houses 2K+, all repaired after prior emperor destroyed
them all.  It takes roughly 2 years to put the pieces back together for just
1 soldier.  Over 700,000 workers (slaves) built the 6K+ original

warriors." - Karen

Vibrant colors - Dragon

Judy (factory guide) explaining how the warriors made

"Breakfast at the Grand Noble Hotel in Xian and then off to begin
seeing the sites in Xian.  A new family joined our group.  They're
from Sacramento CA and were a good fit for our families with kids of
similar ages.  In photo below is Zee, Angelina (12), Tian, Jackie,
Ying and Isabella (14)." - Karen  (Nice fist-bump, Jack! -Nic)

Jack at gift shop at the Terra Cotta Warrior Museum

Zee and Jack - Mastering the Chop Sticks

Big Wild Goose Pagoda (run by monks) - Buddhist Temple

Jack, Ying, Zee, and Tian in front of Pagoda

Statues in Pagoda (Buddhist Temple)

Rossi Family - with farmer who found the TCW on his farm in 1974

Karen and Jackie - Xian Wall
"Only "city" wall that remains.  All others have been taken down to
make room for roads, progress.  The Xian wall is 18mtr high, 9mile
long in the shape of a rectangle.  We rented bikes and rode atop the
wall for an hour.  Jackie and Ying rented a tandem.  Only 40 yuan
($6.50) for the hour.  A lot of fun even though temps were 100+ with
high humidity." - Karen


  1. Hey Guys! Great Blog! Nice to "see" the Rossi's again, even if it's only by pictures. Have a great trop. Bill McDaniel

  2. Hey there! I love your blog as well. Though I am going to ask: Tian, when did you get so tall? I distinctly remember you being shorter than me when we were children. Well, have fun and eat lots of noodles!
