Tuesday, July 9, 2013


If this doesn't make you need a panda, then I don't know what will!!

"We had a nice visit o the brocade museum in cheng du.  We saw how the brocade is made.  It's a slow process. None of the kids thought they could be patient enough for the task. The embroidery was beautiful, too.  Here we are at the end of our visit." -Robbin

"Jackie and Ying Ying had a friendly little guy.  The panda licks honey to stay happy while being held.  Our guide said pandas are very spoiled.  They have a good life." -Robbin

"The Rossi kids posed for the camera with a 10 month old panda. He was a squirmy little guy, but very cuddly.  We learned all about pandas today.  It was an exciting day!" -Robbin

"We think pandas are about the cutest animals...well except for Sammy and Lilly that is!  These pandas love their honey!" -Robbin

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