Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Forbidden Garden

They toured the Forbidden City today.  Karen said:  "Temps were brutally hot when touring the Forbidden City today.  Everyone kept going from shaded area to shaded area.  Much of the tour itself was lost on the kids."

Tea Demonstration - 4 types of tea to taste

Jasmine Flower Tea

Tea Tasting - Jack, Ying, Tian (Jack helped the others drink the teas they didn't like)

Garden at the Forbidden City - 100+ year old trees

Rock Garden

Forbidden City

Forbidden City - Ying and Jackie ready to go

Forbidden City - Ying, Jackie, Zee, and Tian

Jade Carving Demonstration

Group - before Hutong Neighborhood tour (stands for back street or narrow alleys) - Karen, Jackie, Zee, Tian, Robbin, and Ying

Drum Tower Demonstration - "To tell time they had drum towers (for am) and bell towers (for pm)
located throughout the cities and villages.  They have been used for thousands of years and still have several in Beijing.  They are manned 24hours per day." - Karen

Drum Tower - Zee, Jack, Tian, and Ying

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