Monday, July 1, 2013

Temple of Heaven

Shy of anything changing, it looks like I'll be posting for them.  They can't even open the blog, let alone post to it.  Hopefully they'll find some time to send explanations, but for now the photos will have to do!  It looks like they're having a great time!!

Dinner at local Beijing restaurant

Same as above

Lots of bikes

Hackie sack in the park (video)

Calligraphy in park (video)

Temple of Heaven - Jackie

Temple of Heaven - Ying

Temple of Heaven Monday morning

Temple of Heaven

Temple of Heaven

Dragon Boat at Summer Palace
Zee at Tiananmen Square

New friends at Tiananmen Square

Ying & Jack at Tiananmen Square

Limestone rock sculptures at the Summer Palace

Summer Palace

Jack, Zee, Ying, and Tian at Summer Palace

Temple of Heaven

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